Category: Chart Templates
12+ Organizational Hierarchy Chart Templates
An organizational hierarchy chart template i a graphical repre entation that outline the internal tructure of an organization and al o de cribe how an organization i tructured It define the...
14+ Pareto Chart Templates
The Pareto chart template i another form of graph that i u ed to provide vi ual repre entation of data Thi kind of graph are u ed when you need to know cau e in a proce The e Pareto chart are...
10+ Roster Chart Templates
A ro ter chart template i a type of chart that include a li t of all member of an organization or li t of player of any particular port It i al o known a a depth chart in bu ine communitie...
12+ Range Chart Templates
A range chart template or R chart template i a type of tati tical method control chart for u e with continual data collected in ubgroup at a et period of time The chart i u ed to regulate the...
13+ Flow Chart Templates
A flow chart template i a very effective and powerful bu ine tool with perfect de ign and imple tructure It communicate all the tep of the proce very efficiently and perfectly There are...
11+ Burn Down Chart Templates
A burn down chart template i u ed a an effective communication tool for the cu tomer and takeholder and give vi ibility of project proceed on daily ba i The e chart are al o u ed a tracking...
12+ Role and Responsibility Chart Templates
The role and re pon ibility chart template i created during the project which de cribe the activitie and different role that are needed for a project The chart outline the role and...
10+ Combination Chart Templates
A combination chart template i a combo chart allow you to combine the a pect of bar chart and the line chart The chart repre ent the data by u ing the number of bar and line each of them di play...
12+ Column Chart Templates
A column chart template i a type of bar chart and graphical depiction which di play the data a a vertical bar going acro the chart horizontally The value of axi are hown on the left ide of...
12+ Line Chart Templates
A line chart template i a type of graphical chart which di play information by connecting a equence of data point jointly with a traight line The e type of chart are generally u ed in the...
13+ Comparison Chart Templates
Compari on chart template are u ed to do quick analy i between variou point or to compare which chool of thought i better The e are u ed on different platform to get a clear view and a critical...
7+ Family Tree Chart Templates
A family tree chart template i genealogical information of ance try that repre enting the family relation hip in an ordinary tree tructure It i al o known a a pedigree chart template or an...
7+ Gantt Chart Templates
A Gantt chart template i a vi ual depiction of a project in which equence of horizontal line di play the amount of work in a pecific time period according to the amount planned for tho e time...
10+ Activity Chart Templates
An activity chart template i a graphical repre entation which how the equence of operation and activitie that make up a project planned again t a time cale It repre ent the work which ha been...
8+ RACI Chart Templates
The RACI chart template provide a forum for di cu ion and re olution of interdepartmental di pute It i one of the mo t important document in any bu ine indu try, which i u ually developed by...
15+ Reward Chart Templates
Reward chart template are con ider to be a tool that i u ed for encouraging po itive behavior among children a well a in youth Moreover, the e method of reward chart template are u ed in pri on...
11+ Seating Chart Templates
A eating chart template i a ketch or et of in truction that con ider where people hould take their eat , and it i al o known a a eating plan In other word , it i a plan which di play...
13+ Scatter Chart Templates
A catter chart template i a graph of plotted point that how the relation hip between two et of data They are u ed to plot the data point on horizontal and vertical axi that how how much...
9+ Tree Map Chart Templates
A tree map chart template i a type of chart that di play hierarchical view of your data by u ing fixed rectangle and make it imple to mark pattern The chart repre ent the categorie by color...
13+ Spline Chart Templates
The pline chart template provide the ame information a the line chart or erie chart in tead of a tep feature The e chart can be u ed for plotting data and are al o greatly u ed in making...
13+ Graph Chart Templates
The graph chart template allow you to how range, minimum and maximum, gap and clu ter , and outlive ea ily The e graph are the be t ummarizing tool which are u ed to ummarize data You can...
8+ Pie Chart Templates
A pie chart template pre ent data in a pictorial form that i ea y to under tand Another important advantage of u ing pie chart i that audience of all level can get the pie chart template ; it...
7+ T Chart Templates
T-chart template or T Shape chart Template are u ed by tudent to compare the view of two political candidate , by li ting the pro and con of a community Once they have li ted i ue related to...
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