Category: Legal Templates
10+ Promissory Note Templates
A promi ory note template i u ed to prepare a promi ory note which i a written promi e between two or more partie to pay an agreed pecific amount on a pecific date to a pecified per on or...
9+ Cease and Desist Letter Samples
The e cea e and de i t letter ample are widely u ed nowaday in order to top any unwanted activity and to notify the other party that their particular activity i bothering you It i the be t...
4+ Contract Termination Notice Templates
A contract termination notice template i a formal tatement from you to another party that you want to cancel your agreement Mo tly it i written by the company to another company or might be to an...
6+ Unclaimed Property Notice Templates
The unclaimed property notice template i generally defined a the account of financial in titution and organization that have had no action generated or contact with the owner for a year or...
13+ Sales Agreement Templates
A ale agreement template i a legal contact that finalize all the term a well a condition between the buyer and eller of real e tate property, company tock or other a et U ually, it i an...
10+ Land Contract Templates
A land contract template i written legal agreement which i u ed for the purcha e and ale of a real property uch a an apartment building, commercial building, vacant land or other real...
15+ Breach of Contract Templates
A breach of contract template i an act of breaking the term and condition et out in a contract Generally a legal contract create certain re pon ibilitie which need to be fulfilled by the all...
15+ Partnership Agreement Templates
A partner hip agreement template i a written contract between two or more individual or partie who join a partner to form and carry on a for-profit bu ine The contract define the relation hip...
14+ Confidentiality Agreement Templates
The contract outline the nece ary term and condition forbidding the worker from di clo ing organizational proprietary information a well a organizational ecret A confidentiality agreement...
10+ Lease Agreement Templates
A lea e agreement template i a imple legal agreement between the owner and the tenant that cover the renting of the re idence or plant and machinery for a defined or longer period u ually tarting...
10+ Rental Agreement Templates
A rental agreement template i a detailed contract generally written between the landlord of the property and a tenant who wi he to have an impermanent hold of the property for a fixed period Hence,...
Recently Added
10+ School Schedule Formats
11+ Vacation Schedule Formats
11+ Business Continuity Plan Formats
10+ Cash Receivable Forms
11+ Expense Voucher Formats
10+ Salary Voucher Formats
11+ Christmas List Templates
13+ Tri-Fold Marketing Flyer Formats
10+ Restaurant Voucher Formats
12+ Security Deposit Receipt Templates
10+ Technical Manual Formats
12+ Bill of Sale Templates